5 Tips to Improving your Facebook

  1. Make sure your profile picture includes your brand name and/or logo

    The profile picture used by Powers court Hotel, shows the brand name and logo.






The profile picture used by the Europe Hotel and Resort, Killarney does not identify the brand. This may confuse the user.


According to Postplanner.com you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s why they suggest that your profile picture is way more important than your cover photo on Facebook.

Check out the video below which shows how to change Facebook page profile name and cover photo.



2. Cover Photo

As explained in Point 1 the importance of you’re Profile Picture, well just behind your profile picture is your cover photo. Literally.

Having a Relevant well-designed Cover photo on Facebook is vital. The Cover photo is the image that appears on the top of your page and placed behind your profile picture. So really it is the image that Facebook users will see first and foremost every time they visit your Page.

As we can see with Oreo’s Facebook page they understand the importance of a Profile picture and Cover photo and it is simple yet effective.

Profile Picture.


Cover Photo.



The purpose of the Cover photo is to capture the vision of your brand. Doing this correctly will be a major help to improving your Face book page.


3. Complete your about section 

This may seem quite obvious, however you would be surprised at the amount of businesses take this for granted. It’s mind blowing as an incomplete about section could result in missed likes or attention to your page.

It literally takes no longer then 5 minutes and is an absolute must in my opinion.


If you don’t have a physical location or its not common for people to come to your place of business you can select a category such as “company” or “brand” when you create your page. By choosing either of these options it lets face book show your short description under the profile picture on your timeline. That description can include a link to your website.

*Type in your URL at the beginning so its the first thing people see*


4. Post Frequent content.

It is important to engage with your audience by staying active and posting frequent content including photos and videos. Try to have fun and engaging content.

You can have fun and make it exciting however i would recommend use honest content, instead of using offensive and misleading content. With face book offensive content leads to a poor experience.

Social media is a complete network of people sharing stories and you are trying to build a brand and promote it the best way possible by using honest content instead of a bad reputation with offensive and misleading content.


5. Replying to quarries 

This in my opinion is also very important. If people want to find out more information or if the just in general have quarries they are wondering about it is very important that you respond back to them as quick as possible. If someone asks a question and doesn’t get a reply for just say a few days their going to have lost all interest and will more then likely not be happy, however if you are to reply as quick as possible they will be more satisfied and it looks a lot better for  your company.

Thank you for taking time to read my blog, hope you enjoyed it.















Brands that Rock Instagram and why?

Hello again and welcome back to my blog, today we are asked the question, Brands that rock Instagram and why so here are a few that in my opinion Rock Instagram.



The  National Basketball Association is a men’s professional basketball league in America. It is composed of 30 teams (29 in the United States and 1 in Canada).


As you can see the Nba has 32.7 million followers and growing. On the last post put up by this page was of last night and already has received over half a million likes.

What i Love so much about the NBA Instagram page is the content they share from day to day. They put up the scores of each game after they are played and also they upload the best plays made throughout all the games played along with great highlights.

I find this so helpful as the majority of these games are usually played while we’re all sleeping due to time difference so for me to be able to wake up go on Insta and see all this before my eyes  is truly  fantastic.



2. Virgilabloh.

Virgil Abloh is an American fashion designer, DJ, and music producer who has been the artistic director of Louis Vuitton men’s wear collection since March 2018.

Apart from his work at Louis Vuitton, Abloh serves as the chief executive officer of the Milan-based label “OFF WHITE”, a fashion house he founded in 2013.

Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential in the world in 2018.


CaptureVirgil has 3.2million followers i know its not huge compared to the NBA’s instagram page however i do believe Virgil still rocks Instagram, no matter what he does he has people watching,talking and just discussing his methods and designs.

The OFF-White brand specializes in season to season men’s and women’s lifestyle and high end street ware and has 24 stores around the globe.

Virgil does it all one of the most sought after designers out there along with being a DJ and music producer. He is absolutely adored and has a huge celebrity following definitely a man out here rocking Instagram.


3.Sean Wotherspoon


Sean Wotherspoon  A while back Nike held a sort of contest where designers around the world submitted their take on the iconic Air Max line. People would vote on “Air Max Day” which design they wanted Nike to officially release, and out of all the submitted designs Sean’s won.


Although he has not yet broke the 1 million followers barrier i do think its only a matter of time he is currently on around 710k followers and a Man that is most certainty Rocking Instagram hands down!!

sw1 He is 100% worth the follow and easily one of my favorite people on Instagram, by following him sometimes you get to see items of clothing that may not yet be released or may not ever be released but Sean tends to get them just simply cause he is Sean Wotherspoon, many believe hes 97’s shoes that won the Nike competition (first photo) are the sneaker of the year for 2018.

new sw.PNG These then on the other hand are a new design by Sean however after a bit of speculation fans were excited to think maybe someday these will be released but i don’t think they ever will, unfortunately.

A boy can dream.

Hope once again you have enjoyed reading my blog as much as i enjoyed doing it, Thank you very much.


YouTube bumper ads explained.

What are YouTube bumper ads?

“A bumper ad is a six-second video format ideal for driving brand reach and frequency. They are available through Google Ads  as an add-on to traditional campaigns and sold on a CPM basis. Bumper ads can both extend the reach of an existing campaign and complement broader messaging.”- Think with Google.

Now that we know what bumper ads are why do companies use them?

Companies use them as they are short and sweet and as they are short and sweet they are effective. Think about it nobody really enjoys adds, 9 times out of 10 there off topic, not funny and tend to go on to long. However with Bumper adds on the other hand they only have 6 seconds to make an impact, like i said short and sweet. While Bumper ads are short on time there long on impact.

Here is an example of a Bumper ad.


How much do they cost?

Just like other YouTube and Google advertising types, bumper ads operate within a bidding pricing model. In this case, however, only cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing is available so you will be charged per 1,000 impressions.

Exact pricing will vary based on targeting and competitiveness. However, you can set a daily budget and a maximum CPM to ensure you don’t spend more than you want to.

3 Tips for Bumper Ads:

1.Focus on one objective.

With normal ads you usually have 30 seconds, with bumper its just 6 seconds so if you try to fit too much into your ad, you may leave viewers confused and ultimately reducing the impact of your campaign. That’s why its best just to focus on one objective. 6 seconds you need to be straight to the point.

Whatever your ad is don’t over complicate things by trying to stuff too many selling points into one ad.

2. Keep it simple.

In addition to number 1 you should just keep it as simple as possible as too many visuals, cut scenes, or overwhelming text will be distracting and hard to follow in such a short time span.

3. Aim for 6 seconds.

Many advertisers may be tempted to cut down their 30 or 15-second video ads to fit the six-second format. However, this effort may not always work out well , and the ad will likely come off as confusing or disjointed.

It’s best to start fresh and create ads specifically for this six-second ad slot.

Few of my favorites:

Here are just a few of my favorite Bumper ads that i have seen on YouTube.

Simple yet effective.


Here we see a different approach, it short, sweet and humors.


Once again as i would like to take the time out to than you for reading my blog, i hope you’ve understood what Bumper ads are. But most importantly i hope you have enjoyed it.


Marketing to Digital Tribes

Hi Jack Buckley here with another blog. Today’s topic is Digital Tribes. Hope you enjoy.

What is a Tribe?

a social group comprising numerous families, clans, or generations together with slaves, dependents, or adopted strangers

ba political division of the Roman people originally representing one of the three original tribes of ancient Rome


What are Digital Tribes?

Digital Tribes (Definition): A digital tribe is basically a group of individuals that have the same interests, talents and identities and they come together though the world of social media.

Digital Tribes include tribes Regionally, Nationally and Internationally and they use the internet to communicate with each other.

Three Functions of a Tribe.

1.Sharing of functional information.

2.Place of social bonding.

3.Creation of collective rule.


Examples of Digital Tribes:

An example of Digital tribes would be Facebook groups. These groups can vary from anything from television programs to movies to sports teams. In these groups, group members can see news and new information and just basically stay updated. For example this is a Manchester United group on Facebook that you have to join to be part of the admin will decide weather to let you in or not.


Another example is “Tunedrop” this is another private group you must request to join, it is all to do with music. They post videos of festivals or concerts, photos and even just songs. This is very helpful if you have a video of a DJ playing a set but you aren’t  aware of the name of the song, you can upload the video up on to the page and ask for a track id on the song then in the comments people that are also in the group may know it and they will leave the track id in the comments.



Thank you very much for taking time out to read my blog, as said already hope you have enjoyed and i look forward to you reading my next one soon.