5 Tips to Improving your Facebook

  1. Make sure your profile picture includes your brand name and/or logo

    The profile picture used by Powers court Hotel, shows the brand name and logo.






The profile picture used by the Europe Hotel and Resort, Killarney does not identify the brand. This may confuse the user.


According to Postplanner.com you never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s why they suggest that your profile picture is way more important than your cover photo on Facebook.

Check out the video below which shows how to change Facebook page profile name and cover photo.



2. Cover Photo

As explained in Point 1 the importance of you’re Profile Picture, well just behind your profile picture is your cover photo. Literally.

Having a Relevant well-designed Cover photo on Facebook is vital. The Cover photo is the image that appears on the top of your page and placed behind your profile picture. So really it is the image that Facebook users will see first and foremost every time they visit your Page.

As we can see with Oreo’s Facebook page they understand the importance of a Profile picture and Cover photo and it is simple yet effective.

Profile Picture.


Cover Photo.



The purpose of the Cover photo is to capture the vision of your brand. Doing this correctly will be a major help to improving your Face book page.


3. Complete your about section 

This may seem quite obvious, however you would be surprised at the amount of businesses take this for granted. It’s mind blowing as an incomplete about section could result in missed likes or attention to your page.

It literally takes no longer then 5 minutes and is an absolute must in my opinion.


If you don’t have a physical location or its not common for people to come to your place of business you can select a category such as “company” or “brand” when you create your page. By choosing either of these options it lets face book show your short description under the profile picture on your timeline. That description can include a link to your website.

*Type in your URL at the beginning so its the first thing people see*


4. Post Frequent content.

It is important to engage with your audience by staying active and posting frequent content including photos and videos. Try to have fun and engaging content.

You can have fun and make it exciting however i would recommend use honest content, instead of using offensive and misleading content. With face book offensive content leads to a poor experience.

Social media is a complete network of people sharing stories and you are trying to build a brand and promote it the best way possible by using honest content instead of a bad reputation with offensive and misleading content.


5. Replying to quarries 

This in my opinion is also very important. If people want to find out more information or if the just in general have quarries they are wondering about it is very important that you respond back to them as quick as possible. If someone asks a question and doesn’t get a reply for just say a few days their going to have lost all interest and will more then likely not be happy, however if you are to reply as quick as possible they will be more satisfied and it looks a lot better for  your company.

Thank you for taking time to read my blog, hope you enjoyed it.















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